
Tamar Atik is a Visual artist specializing in painting. 
She paints with acrylics and oils and works on canvas as well as murals.
She is inspired by the beauty and patterns of nature, plant medicine, indigenous teachings, self inquiry, social justice, growth, spirit, energy, connection, movement and transformation.
Her art, like herself is in a constant state of evolution. Her style evolves as does she. Trusting the process. Creating from the soul. 
Committed to a life long journey of art, self discovery, exploration and growth, Tamar has been drawn to energetic places and people all over the world. Traveling extensively and living in different cultures, learning from and collaborating with other visionaries and creatives worldwide. 
 Artist Statement: 
'I use art as a portal to other dimensions. It is my connection with spirit and self and my way of creating balance, peace and beauty in an un-balanced world.
I hope by creating these works I am inspiring others to create authentically and follow their true calling. To believe in themselves and heal themselves and the earth through the act of creating consciously. '